Barbara FEARN
- Born: 3 Jul 1926, Harsthill, Stoke, Staffordshire, England
- Marriage (1): George Edward SHUFFLEBOTHAM on 20 Oct 1956 in St Peter's, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England
- Died: 5 Dec 2015, Porthill, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, England aged 89
- Crem.: 15 Dec 2015, Bradwell Crematorium, Newcastle, Staffs
Cause of her death was Cerebro Vascular Accident/Mixed Dementia.
Medical Notes:
A cerebrovascular accident is also called a CVA, brain attack, or stroke. It occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is suddenly stopped and oxygen cannot get to that part. This lack of oxygen may damage or kill the brain cells. Death of a part of the brain may lead to loss of certain body functions controlled by that affected part.
Mixed dementia Mixed dementia, sometimes known clinically as "Dementia - multifactoral", is a dementia condition characterized by symptoms and abnormalities of more than one type of dementia at once. Usually, mixed dementia entails a combination of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. In other cases, mixed dementia involves characteristics from both Alzheimer's disease and Lewy bodies, and sometimes mixed dementia can even entail a combination of all three of these diseases. Recent research is discovering that mixed dementia may be much more common than previously presumed. This research shows that a large proportion of dementia sufferers over the age of 80 may have mixed dementia, with characteristics of both Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.
Barbara married George Edward SHUFFLEBOTHAM, son of Arthur Edward SHUFFLEBOTHAM and Hilda Annie WALKER, on 20 Oct 1956 in St Peter's, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. (George Edward SHUFFLEBOTHAM was born on 14 May 1926 in Burslem, Staffs, England, died on 6 Feb 2016 in Porthill, Newcastle-u-Lyme and was cremated on 19 Feb 2016 in Bradwell Crematorium. Newcastle, Staffs.). The cause of his death was Inanition/Prostate Cancer.