Thomas Henry Wallbank in the Great War
(Thomas's tree can be seen here)
Thomas Wallbank was born in Hanley, Staffordshire in 1897. He enlisted at the outbreak of WWI in the Territorials. After two years
Home Service in the North Staffs Regiment he was sent to reinforce the 14th Battalion York & Lancaster Regiment on their return
to the
severe casualties and had to be withdrawn for several months. Later he was transferred to the 1/4th Battalion (Hallamshires) with
whom he fought at Paschendaele in October 1917 with the II ANZACS . Below are transcriptions of extracts from the War Diaries
of the respective battalions in which he served.
1. War Diaries , Public Record Office,
a) 1/4th Batn York and Lancaster Regt, Apr 1915 – Feb 1919 ref: WO95/2805
b) 10th Batn York and Lancaster Regt, Aug 1916 – Jan 1918 ref: WO95/2529
c) 14th Batn York and Lancaster Regt, Mar 1916 – Feb 1918 ref:WO95/2365
d) 94 F.A. Mar 1916 - Apr. 1919 ref: WO95/2354
e) 148 Brigade ref: WO95/2804
2. The Burnt Records ref: WO 363
3. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005
.[Extracts are italicised bold]
Square brackets [ ] show my notes
Thomas volunteered for service at Hanley on the 17th October 1914, aged 17 years 6 months. He joined the 5th (Home Service) Batn of the North Staffs Regiment
and was on Home service until 26th September 1916. He was attached to the 29th Provisional Batn North Staffs Regt on 17th November 1915, then re-posted to
the 3/5th North Staffs Regt, on 11th August 1916 prior to embarking for
Battle of the
Allied advance in
31st Division,94 Brigade, X111 Corps, Fifth Army
14th Batn York and
( When Thomas was absent from the Battalion through illness, events are in italics)
Date |
Place |
Summary of Events and Information |
SEP 1916 |
[War Diary of 14th Batn York and Lancaster Regt, Mar 1916 – Feb 1918 ref:WO95/2365] |
[Embarked Folkestone, disembarked
[With 3/5th
OCT 1916 |
Parades as for
Parades as yesterday. The Batn will move to TERRAMESNIL tomorrow as per Operation Order attached marked WBH no. 27.Reinforcements of 96 O.R.joined for (duty ?) . |
The Batn moved to billets in TERRAMESNIL today. Parades under company arrangements in the afternoon. |
Parades as for programme of
The Batn moved into billets at THIEVRES today as per attached Operation Order marked WBH no. 28. Parades as per training programme for Company. [Thomas was admitted to 94 F.A. then to 93 F.A. (BCRS) (Burnt Records)] |
Parades as on
Parades as on
Parades as on
In the field , trenches [near SERRE] |
Fine weather; very cold. The Batn moved up to the trenches early in the morning. During the day our artillery mainly bombarded the enemy’s second & third lines at SERRE. Retaliation was very slight, nothing heavier than 77mm being sent over our front,. Four patrols went out at night to examine the state of hostile wire. It was found to have been considerably knocked about but in many places still presented a serious obstacle. No encounters with the enemy. Our aeroplanes were very active observing for the artillery. Reinforcements of 56 O.R. reported today & remained at THIEVRES. |
In the field , trenches [near SERRE] |
Fine clear weather. Our artillery were heavily engaged throughout the (line ?) so has the whole front opposite our sector been shelled. The enemy showed more retaliation than the day before. A considerable portion of his shells were “duds”. Two patrols left our lines to examine the effect of the days shelling & the wire. It was found to be almost demolished in many places though there stilled remained places where it was (thick ?). Enemy (?)(?) in his front line. One fighting patrol also left our lines seeking an encounter with a hostile patrol but no enemy was encountered. Casualties: CSM H, Bower killed in action. The Batn will be relieved tomorrow in accordance with Operation Orders WBH no. 30 |
In the field , trenches [near SERRE] |
Misty weather. The Batn was relieved to billets in THIEVRES . [By bus from COURCELLES]. Casualties: 2 O.R. wounded in action; 1 O.R, wounded but remained at duty. [Thomas rejoined unit from 93 F.A.] |
In billets. Parades under company arrangements in the morning. Commanding officers inspection in the afternoon. 2nd Lt. G.C.H Kaye returned from Lewis gun course. 2nd Lts A. Baldry, E. Young &16 NCOs proceeded for a course in P.T. & B.F. to WARNIMONT WOOD. |
In billets. Parades under company arrangement & according to programme of training as on
In billets. Parades as per programme issued to Coy commanders. Bayonet fighting, musketry, rapid loading and attack practice & physical training. Special classes to be continued. Casualties: 1 O.R. wounded in action, shell shock
In billets. Parades: Bayonet fighting, rapid loading, musketry, judging distance, attack practice, handling of arms, Platoon & Coy drill, physical training. Specialist classes to continue. [ Extract from London Gazette regarding appointment of temporary 2nd Lts] |
Instructions received to vacate billets at THIEVRES on
In billets. Parades. Specialist classes continued. Companies continue bayonet fighting drill, musketry, physical training. Divine Service held in the afternoon. Weather showery. |
The Batn moved from billets in THIEVRES at 8.00am and arrived at SAILLY AU BOIS at 11.00am [via AUTHRIE, St LEGER and COGNEUX]. H.Q. established at J18 C8.8, map
In billets. The Batn employed in furnishing working parties ,cleaning of communication trenches draining and repairing same from K23a2.1 to front line & also from K23c3.9 to front line. The work was carried out continuously during the 24h..Weather fine |
NOV 1916 |
In billets. The Battalion employed in furnishing working parties cleaning communication trenches as for yesterday. Lt. H Faulden (Intelligence Officer) is attached to 14th Brigade HQ as Intelligence Officer. Lt. C.F. Moxon takes over the duties of Intelligence Officer and 2nd Lt,. L,W. Johnson takes over the duties of Pioneer Officer. |
In billets. The Battalion employed in furnishing working parties as for yesterday. Major L.H. Tudor South
Extract from
In the field (nr. HEBUTERNE) |
The Battalion moved into trenches as detailed on Operation Orders No.32, Nov 2/16. The enemy artillery active all day, bombarding the batteries in rear of trenches and shelling with shrapnel our second line & communicators to front line. An officer’s patrol examined the enemy wire at points where our artillery have been shelling all day, returning without casualties. Casualties: 1 officer, Lt. Quest, 4 O.R. killed. 8 O.R, killed. Weather dull, some rain. |
In the field [nr. HEBUTERNE] |
Our artillery very active all day, cutting gaps in enemy wire & shelling his front lines with H,E. Shrapnel. Enemy retaliation slight, Aeroplane activity all day, our planes flying very low over enemy lines attracting much M.G. fire. An officer’s patrol examined gaps in enemy wire & reported gaps not clear. Weather slight mist fresh breeze SE. |
In the field [nr. HEBUTERNE] |
Our artillery active all day, on selected points, - working parties of the enemy were dispersed, and much damage was done to enemy trenches. Enemy artillery chiefly shelling HEBUTERNE & to the right of our sector. Lt R. Goodwin takes over the command & pay of A Coy (temporary) from
3 Officer’s Patrols left our line to reconnoitre gaps in enemy wire, Hostile patrols were encountered & dispersed by rifle fire. |
In the field [nr. HEBUTERNE] |
Enemy artillery inactive. Intermittent activity by our artillery all day on enemy front line. Much enemy movement & working parties observed & reported to artillery. A Coy attempted a raid on the enemy trenches (see special report) on the night of 6/7th /11/16. Operation Orders 32 [ see copy below] Casualties 1 officer wounded & missing. 2 O.R. killed, 10 O.R, wounded – 1 O.R. missing - 1 O.R. wounded (& at duty). |
The battalion was relieved in trenches (as per Operation Order No. 34,
2nd Lt E.H.P. Pitt having been evacuated to
Parades according to company arrangements. Cleaning equipment, clothing and rifles. Inspection of feet, clothing + issuing of necessaries. The Batn received a draft of 12 O.R. as reinforcements. Casualties: 1 O.R. (reported missing from
Parades under company arrangements.. The Batn Lewis gun parade for special inspection and training. |
Parades under company training schemes. Route march. Rifle exercises. Close order drill. Physical training and bayonet exercise. Work and fatigue parties engaged erecting huts at Bus. Carrying stores from HEBUTERNE to trenches. |
Parades as for yesterday. Inspection of rifles by Divisional Armourer Sgt. |
Parades as for yesterday. Special instruction to Lewis gun teams by Staff Sgt M.G.Co. |
Parades as for yesterday. Capt W.O. Horrick reported to 3rd Division as Liaison Officer on instructions received from94th Infantry Brigade, but returned to the Batn. the same day. |
The Batn proceeded from COUIN to SAILLY to be in Brigade support as Defence Scheme Orders dated 14th Nov 16 The following officers from 6th N Staffs Regt having reported for duty are taken on the strength of the Batn from today & posted to coys stated: 2nd Lt W. Mitchel A Coy. 2nd Lt J.S. Glass B Coy. 2nd Lt A,S Dows D Coy |
Parades under company arrangements. Inspection of kit and equipment. All companies engaged on improvement and cleaning of billets. |
Parades under company arrangements. Inspection of Gas Helmets., rations, equipment and feet. Digging and improvement of bombardment trenches near billets. Fatigue parties at HEBUTERNE unloading stores at dumps. Inspection of Lewis guns. Practice in patrol and raiding parties. |
Parades under company arrangements as for yesterday. Capt C,V, Fitton attended a Field G.C.M at the HQ 13th York and Lanc.. Each man supplied with Gum boots from Div. Gum Boot Store. |
In the field SERRE |
The Batn moved into trenches in accordance with Operation Orders No. 36 dated 17th Nov 16 relieving 12th York and Lancaster. [see photo of orders below]. Artillery active on both sides.. An officer’s patrol left our lines to reconnoitre and examine gap in enemy wire. A hostile patrol was encountered at close quarters and rapid fire opened. One of our own bombs falling short caused 6 casualties to our own men. Enemy were dispersed however. |
In the field SERRE |
Artillery active on both sides. HEBUTERNE shelled with gas shells. Much activity by our aeroplanes. Much movement has been observed in enemy lines. Men getting in and out of trenches and many small parties observe working and moving about in SERRE which has been subjected to heavy bombardment. An officer’s patrol examining gaps in the wire engaged a hostile patrol. The enemy appear to repair the gaps as quickly as they are formed. |
In the field SERRE |
Artillery activity. We have heavily shelled the enemy trenches on the right of this sector. Working parties of the enemy in the rear of trenches have been shelled and dispersed. Much disorganised movement observed in SERRE. Two officer’s patrols left our line to examine enemy wire & saps but were not able to find same or keep directions owing to the extreme cold & darkness. Casualties: 5 O.R. wounded |
In the field SERRE |
Enemy artillery inactive, own artillery less active. The weather has been misty and so working and carrying parties have been busy, taking advantage of the mist to walk on top a small hostile patrol was observed near own wire – an attempt to capture them was not successful. Three officer’s patrols explored no-mans land and all heard much talk in enemy wire and trenches. |
In the field SERRE |
The Btn was relieved in the line by the 12th Y & L & one half the battalion proceeded to COURCELLES, the other half proceeded to the Dell near SAILLY AU BOIS. See Operation Orders No 37 dated 31st Nov 16 [sic] . 50 men of the Batn have joined the Bgd Sapping Coy: Major J.F. Courtenay Hood is in command of half batn at the DELL. [Thomas was admitted to 94 F.A. with trenchfeet] |
WAR DIARY OF 94 F.A. WO95/2354 (25 to 27-11-1916 missing) |
22-11-1916 |
Capt. (?) Gill reported his arrival for duty here and was (?) the strength , the unit. (?) came round with O.C. 71 Sanitary Section. Received permission for T(?) (?) to move larger latrine from another camp to this place for use of patients. |
23-11-1916 |
Under instruction for A D(?) 31 Div. Cap
24-11-1916 |
Sent Can to
28-11-1916 |
Went to see G.D.U.D (?) (?) here to Cap J.B.C. Walker. (?) Disinfecting have finished but Supplies has not yet sent
29-11-1916 |
Cap J.H.C. Walker proceeded on leave, (?) to U.K. D.a.D.M.D. came round with Div Sanitary Officer (?) during night. |
30-11-1916 |
Sent Can to
Signed (?) Lt Col. RAMC. O.C. 94 Field Ambulance. |
23-11-16 |
[War Diary of 14th Batn York and Lancaster Regt, Mar 1916 – Feb 1918 ref:WO95/2365, continued ] The Btn employed cleaning equipment, clothing , laying French board & general improvements to hutments. The following named officers, from the 1/28th
2 Lt C. Viner to A Coy
2 Lt J. Elstin to B Coy
2 Lt
3 O.R. reported for duty as reinforcements are taken on the strength of the Batn |
Parades under company arrangements. Inspections of equipment, clothing & feet. The under-mentioned having reported for duty is taken on the strength of the Batn and potsted to the company stated: 2 Lt W.E.D. Shaw D Coy . |
Parades under company arrangements. |
Parades under company arrangements. Close order drill. Bayonet exercises. Physical training. Inspection of rifles, ammunition & equipment. Bathing etc. [Thomas admitted to 44 CCS with trenchfeet] |
Parades under company arrangements. 2 Lt L.W. Johnson is granted leave of absence from
COURCELLES AU BOIS HEBUTERNE (Jena & Warrior Trenches) |
The Batn moved into trenches in accordance with Operation Order no.38 dated
Artillery active both sides. The enemy occasionally sending over gas shells. HEBUTERNE was heavily shelled at several points with H.E. + shrapnel. Snipers active during the relief.. [Thomas admitted to 26 G.H. at Etaples] |
From Burnt Records, PRO ref: WO363
1916-1917 |
ETAPLES (26 G.H.) |
Posted to Depot, Northern Command Ripon (Hospital, Trenchfeet) |
Posted to 3 IB [infantry brigade], 3rd Reserve Battalion York and Lancaster |
[When on active service overstaying final leave from
[Failing to salute an officer in
10th Batn York and
1/4th Batn York and
Regt no. 31544
49th Division,148 Brigade, 1X Corps, Second Army
The German Offensive in Flanders 1918 ,4th
The 1st
49th Division,,XXII Corps, Second Army
The 2nd
SEP 1917 |
Disembarked. Posted to 10th York and Lancaster (from 34 IB).
Joined 34 IBD |
Posted 1/4th York and Lancaster (Hallamshire) |
Draft of 142 OR to battalion.[ Thomas joined Battalion] |
Strength 42 off. 980 O.R. |
Moved to Pte SYNTHE |
Pte SYNTHE [?] |
Rev C.J. James became attached to the Batn. |
Pte SYNTHE [?] |
Moved to WOLVEDINGHE by bus. |
[no entry] |
Draft of 37 OR arrived |
Draft of 4 OR arrived |
Strength 42 off. 1020 O.R. (See photo, dress and equipment list) |
OCT 1917 |
March to SALPERWICK (5miles) |
March to NIEPPE (N35 b 6.3, Sheet 27)(12 miles). All the Batn billeted in one large farm & fields around. 2 Coys in barn, 2 in tents. |
March to WATOU, 14 miles. |
Capt Smythe to hospital, relieved by Capt W. Allen, RA|MC. |
Batn reduced to fighting strength. Major Welsh, Capt Holmes & Brooke , 2nd Lts Williams , Payne & Rimer with 60OR went to II Corps [?] Reinforcement Camp. 11 O.Rs to MG Coy as carriers. |
Bus to VALMERTINGE, strength 43 officers, 1016 OR. |
VALMERTINGE [49th Division attached to II Corps Anzacs] |
CO went up to reconnoitre the front opposite Passchendaele & returned with verbal instructions about the attack which was due to be carried out on the 9th. Party of 1 officer and 10 OR per Coy were sent forward to reconnoitre & learbn the way up to the front so that they could lead the Batn up when requested(This party received no further orders & so failed to meet the Batn & took no further part in the battle). A Coy , and 1 officer a& 4NCOs per coy move to POTIJZE. |
Brigade operational orders for the attack were received at
4.45pm Batn fell in to march to Assembly Position which was being reconnoitred and roped out by 2nd Lt Jackson and the Scouts Owing to the heavy rain which fell almost continuously during the march and the bad state of the track the Assembly Position was not reached until 4.00am, and by this time the men were very weary |
The following officers were present with the Batn. HQ. : Lt Col. D.S. Branson MC (in command). Capt R.E. Wilson (Adjutant), Lt L.H. Reynolds (Signals), 2nd Lt R.W. Jackson (Intelligence) A Coy : Capt T.G. Sirty [?], 2nd Lts J.P. Haylewood & S.E. Warbuton. B Coy: Capt P.N. Johnson, Lt C.C. Cloud, 2nd Lts Howe & de Bell. C Coy: Capt J.F Wortley, Lts W.J.R.E. Poole, A. Gladwin, 2n Lt Beynon D Coy: Lt T.A. [?], 2nd Lt B.C. Robinson, & Burwell & Moffatt. Liason Officers: Lts W.N. Bagshawe. T.E. Sanderson, 2nd Lt F.A. Higgins Zero hour 5.20am A report on the attack and criticisms on the arrangements is attached. [see Op Orders no. ?] |
Total casualties during the battle were Killed: Lt. W.J.R.E. Poole, 2nd Lt. R.W. Jackson, F.C. de Bell & E.J. Beynon & 42 OR Wounded: Capt T.G. Sirty [?], Lt. W.N. Bagshaw, C.C. Cloud, A. Gladwin, 2nd Lt. Burnwell , & 199 OR Missing: 2nd Lt. B.O. Robinson, & 48 OR.
Strength: 33 officers 688 OR. These days were spent resting and cleaning up and reorganisation. |
7.00am. Move by bus and march to vicinity of POTIGE camp [1km E of YPRES] [De-bussed at Menin Gate - Official History]
On October 15th the Hallamshires paraded once more facing east, but before starting off there was a diversion in the shape of a fire. We had been shivering in the open for the past fortnight, and were therefore not altogether sorry to find a huge barn well ablaze in our midst. By the time the blaze was got in hand, all were comfortably warm; and although the farmer claimed some forty thousand francs, we were inclined to think it was worth the money. The shoe-makers, who had been living in the barn, vehemently denied any culpability in the matter, so, unless the fire was caused by the rats, it must remain one of the unsolved mysteries of the Great War. At 7 a.m. we were packed into motor lorries and hustled off to
POTIJZE camp [1km E of
Tents had to be struck during daylight as a precaution against enemy aircraft, and a very uncomfortable day was spent in the open. |
POTIGE camp |
11.00am Enemy aircraft dropped a bomb on the camp causing 50 casualties.
At 11 o'clock that morning everything was packed up ready for the march off at noon, and the men were lying about smoking or writing letters, when, without the slightest warning, a number of bombs fell among us from two enemy aeroplanes flying very high. In a few seconds fifty men were killed and wounded, and many others had miraculous escapes. No officer was hit, but Major Welsh was so shaken up that he went to hospital and never returned to us. Captain Holmes, the senior company commander, was ordered to report to Battalion Headquarters to act as Second-in-Command, and the command of A Company devolved upon Lieutenant F. J. Wilkins. 2nd Lieutenant W. Ryan was appointed Scout Officer, vice 2nd Lieutenant Jackson, who had been killed on the 9th. At 12-15 p.m. we marched away by platoons to the line—an exciting move, as the Boche was shelling the road heavily. The day had turned out very fine and clear, and enemy observation balloons were out in full force. By the time the Battalion had reached the vicinity of Zonnebeke it was obvious that the enemy had seen the long column of troops (the whole Brigade was on the road), and the shelling became more intense. It was 2 p.m. by the time we reached Hill 40 (about two thousand yards from the line), and as the relief was not due to commence until 4 p.m. and the enemy had put down a veritable barrage in front and to the right of us, the CO. decided to deploy the Battalion on the hill. The leading platoons, therefore, were sent off to fill a line of shell-holes near the top, and eventually the whole Brigade was deployed into lines of platoons. For the next hour or more the enemy kept up a steady fire, but the majority of the shells fell about 150 yards to our right in the vicinity of what had once been Zonnebeke Station. The air was thick with flying splinters of shell, but the only casualty was a briar pipe which was suddenly removed from its owner's mouth by a lump of shell. By 6-20 p.m. the relief was complete, the Hallamshires taking over the front line, which was merely a series of shell holes, from the 34th and part of the 36th Battalions Australian Infantry. Battalion Headquarters were at Boethoek, an unpleasant pill-box with a ceiling about four feet high. A, B and D Companies in the front line had a joint headquarters at
The whole of the area was still in a terrible state—black' slime littered with dead bodies, weapons and equipment of every kind. The Engineers were kept hard at it laying duck-board tracks, and much of the Boche equipment was salved and sent down later on. The transport, animals and personnel, had to undergo many hardships, and it was often due solely to the perseverance and grit of our transport men that we got our rations at all. They were invariably shelled on the journey to and from the line, and the nights brought the regular visits of the Boche bombers, who appeared to make a special target of horse lines. Our fellows settled down into their positions in (or, rather, on) the front line and at once began to make bits of trench out of shell-holes and to dig "cubby-holes" to give themselves a little protection from the weather at least. The cheerful sang-froid of the men and their courage and endurance, under the most depressing conditions of ground and weather, were the admiration of every officer in the Battalion. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
In the Field [near WATERFIELDS] |
The line consisted of un[?] trenches and consolidated shell holes & the ground was very wet. The enemy shelled the whole area heavily both day and night but made no counter attack. Casualties 46. Enemy aircraft were very active throughout an fired at the [?] with MGs. A large number of dead both 66th Division and Australians were buried by us. In the early morning of October 19th the enemy shelled our area with "tear" gas, but although it made everybody sneeze violently, it produced no harmful results, and this was followed up by an intense counter-preparation barrage, to which our guns replied vigorously. This heavy shelling continued for more than an hour, and was repeated for shorter periods at intervals throughout the day. We were again heavily shelled in the afternoon of the 20th, and it was noticeable that the shells were all 10 cm. or larger. The ubiquitous 77 mm. shell was conspicuous by its absence, and this pointed to the fact that the enemy expected further attacks, and had withdrawn his light .guns. At this time we were frequently shelled by the enemy with British shells fired from British 6-inch howitzers which had been captured from the Russians. On October 21st (a Sunday) we were given an extra large dose of Boche hate, and at 5-35 a.m. on Monday our guns put down a real attack barrage, although there was no attack taking place. The Hun got thoroughly windy, put up his S.O.S., and replied with a fierce barrage on our lines, but the enemy fire soon died down when he found that the British were not coming over to breakfast after all. The Staff frequently sent out details of such shoots as this too late to give warning to patrols before the barrage came down. On this occasion we had a patrol out in Augustus Wood when the barrage opened—the enemy counter-barrage fell heavily on to the Wood (probably his S.O.S. lines)—and the patrol escaped by a miracle.The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
In the Field [near WATERFIELDS] |
The Batn was relieved by two coys of the 5th Batn Canadian infantry and preceded to a field near POTIJE for the night. Transport was shelled. 12 horses and [?] killed and 6 sent away wounded In the evening of the 22nd the 50th Canadians relieved us, and after being shelled all the way down the tracks (particularly "K" track) we reached the old bivouacs of Potijze, and on the following day moved back by bus to a camp near Winnezeele. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Proceeded by bus from
Meanwhile, the transport lines had been roughly handled by the Boche heavies, but in spite of the loss of 30 animals, the T.O. managed to move all his wagons to Winnezeele on the 23rd. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Spent day cleaning up. |
Lt Colonel (temp Brigadier General) P.L.A [?] D.S.O who relinquished command on 23 inst. Payed a farewell visit to the Batn. He made a speech to all officers and representative of each Platoon & Detail . |
Lt Colonel (temp Brigadier General ) L.F. Green-Wilkinson D.S.O who assumed command of the Brigade on the 24 inst.payed a visit to the Batn.. Strength: 29 off 632 O.R |
Moved by route march to STEENVOORDE area . A distance of about 5miles. Good accommodation for the men but that for officers [?].
There was a further march to billets near Steenvoorde on October 27th. The Battalion was scattered over rather a wide area, but everybody was very thankful to see the last of the leaky tents. The weather was getting very cold and fuel was very scarce—so scarce that one mess had to burn their gramophone records to keep warm ! The Battalion stayed in these billets for fifteen days, during which time several training schemes were carried out, and there were several short route marches. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Quite day. Church parades. |
Capt E.N. Holmes MC takes over command of the Batn.from Lt Colonel D.F. Branson who proceeds on leave. Reinforcements Lt R.E. Ma??? and 51 OR. Brigade school reopens for junior NCOs. Training started. |
Training. Announcement in II ANZAC Corps routine orders. The Corps commander under authority delegated to him has awarded the Military Medal to the following NCOs and men: 203847 Pte Meskil R; 203426 Pte Kelson J.R.; Sgt Warren J.E.;200742 Pte Jenkinson P.; 200888 Pte L. Cpl Bewer E.C.; 203777 Cpl Green H.; 203426 Pte Downing G.; 203349 Pte Lockwood F.. |
NOV 1917 |
Draft of 20 OR and 2nd Lts J.B. Parker, C.G. Miller, W.T. Shopland, W.E. Gadsby, G.F. D????, J.A. Gemmell, A.J. Nicholls, joined Batn. Strength 33 officers, 633 OR. Military Cross awarded to Capt Wortley and DCMs to CSM Wagg, Sgt Lawless and Sgt Megson. |
2 OR joined Batn. |
1 OR joined Batn. To be Lts from
Strength 37 officers, 656 OR. |
Batn moved to WIPPENHOEK area by route march. On November 11th we marched a few kilometres to a field just over the frontier into
Batn moved to Divisional reserve near DICKEBUSCH. Lt Colonel D.S. Branson MC resumed command of Batn on returning from leave. |
Presentation of Military Medal ribbons by Divisional Commander , Major-General Cameron. Strength 36 officers, 668 OR. |
Moved to Divisional
Strength 36 officers, 668 OR. |
Moved to Ramparts
On the 24th the Battalion marched forward to
In the Line Map ref: Sheet 28, J3a |
Batn moved into the line and became right support battalion . HQ GARTER POINT. [Marched via
Three days later[27-11-17] a further move forward was made to the front line area, the Battalion marching via Derby Road—Shrapnel Corner— Warrington Road—Birr X Roads—Helles Track and Jabber Track. The companies were echeloned on the Tokio and Westhoek Ridges, all of which were shelled ceaselessly by the enemy. The tracks were given particular attention, especially at night time. Our rations were brought up to Battalion Headquarters at Garter Point, an old pill-box in the valley between Tokio and Anzac Ridges. No one envied the transport men their nightly journey up those shell-swept tracks, nor did the companies enjoy the journey to Battalion Headquarters to fetch their allotted number of sand-bags filled with bread, meat, jam, etc. The scarcity of water was a great difficulty. Every drop had to be brought up by the ration mules in petrol tins, of which there must have been tens of thousands in the Salient. This water was, of course, only used for cooking and drinking, and there was seldom even a cupful to spare for washing. The water in the shell-holes could not be used for ablution purposes, as it was contaminated by gas and other things. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
In the Line Map ref: Sheet 28, J3a |
2 OR wounded |
In the Line Map ref: Sheet 28, J3a |
2 OR killed, 3 wounded [On
In the Line Map ref: Sheet 28, J3a |
Strength: 36 off 693 O.R. |
DEC 1917 |
Moved from Right
On December 1st we moved forward—A, B and C Companies to the front line, with D Company in support. Battalion Headquarters was in a pill-box at Molenaarelsthoek, nicknamed "Molly's Nook." The front line now consisted of a series of short lengths of trench, constructed from linked-up shell-holes. It was not possible to do any cooking, and all rations were sent up ready cooked. Every night we worked on the trenches, improving and extending them and putting out more wire in front. During the day we got what rest we could, as movement always brought fire upon us. Most of the enemy shelling was from 15 cm. guns, and a large proportion of it fell on and about the ridges behind us, the front line itself being comparatively quiet. Patrolling was vigorously carried out every night in front of the Battalion. The Corps Summary of Intelligence (better known as "Comic Cuts") had reported a Boche machine gun at a point north of Celtic Wood. Our Scouts were ordered to confirm the presence of this gun. They advanced very warily towards the position, and to their surprise (for these things usually were NOT there), they could see the gun on a slight mound in the faint moonlight—but could see or hear nothing of the enemy gunners. Careful manoeuvring at last brought them within a few yards of the gun. They made a dash forward, seized the gun, and—turned the handle! It was an antediluvian cattle-cake-breaking machine! The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
In the Line |
[Thomas rejoined Battalion – do not know date he left (Burnt Records)]
Quiet day , 4 patrols went out on right front during the night & much work done to improve the trenches and shelters. I OR wounded (accident) at the Bde B???? dump. |
Similar day to yesterday. |
In the Line |
On the morning of December 4th 2nd Lieutenant Gadsby took out a patrol in the direction of Justice Wood and ran into the arms of a large party of the enemy. Our men made a fighting retirement, but lost two men killed, two missing and one wounded The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
In the Line |
Batn relieved in the line by Lt Colonel Tetley DSO, Btn the 1/7th West Yorks Regt. Relief over quickly. Officer’s billets at
The Battalion was relieved at 6 p.m. on December 5th. It was pitch dark at that hour, and it was difficult to keep to the narrow duck-board tracks, while eight men were wounded by shell-fire on the way out. On arrival at
Next morning [06-12-17] the Battalion marched away to
Day spent cleaning up and interior economy. B&C Coys defeated A&D at football (5-0). Lt and Adjutant W.P. Grant returned to the Batn. Strength 36 officers and 669 OR. Lieutenant Grant rejoined on December 7th, and resumed his duties as Adjutant, Captain Wilson taking over the command of B Company. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Training , bathing & work on the camp. Football match, Officers v Sergts. Officers won 2 goals to 1. They were scored by 2nd Lt Parker & Moffatt and CSM Hayes. |
Training and work on improving the camp. |
In the Line (ZONNEBEKE) |
B & D coys held front line with A coy in support. C coy was billeted at ZONNEBEKE and worked for a Canadian Tunnelling Company., being under the tactical command of the Left Batn. One company of the 5th York & Lancaster Regt was billeted in the vicinity of the Batn HQ and was under the tactical command of this Batn. The front line consisted of rather elementary posts which were practically impossible to visit by day. They were not connected by trenches and communication between Coy and Batn HQ except by telephone was not safe during the day. [HQ again at Molly’s Nook (see 2/12/1918)- Official History] The Battalion marched to Vlamertinghe next morning [11-12-17] and there entrained in the usual cattle trucks and proceeded very slowly to
In the Line (ZONNEBEKE) |
At 10.30pm an enemy patrol of 7 OR approached our lines at about D29b25.00. It was challenged by one of our posts. On receiving no satisfactory reply the two sentries fired on the patrol, killing 1 man and taking 4 others prisoner. The prisoners belonged to the 10th Regt (11th Division).. Otherwise the day was quiet. During our second night[12-12-17] in the line the sentries of a post on the right (B Company) sector saw some men approaching their post. The sentries waited until the men got close up to them, and then challenged. The reply was a guttural Boche exclamation, so the sentries opened fire on them and then ordered the Boche to come in and surrender. The enemy, apparently, understood the order, for four at once gave themselves up, and of the remaining two, one was lying dead and the other escaped, wounded. These prisoners declared that they were a party sent to carry rations, and that they had lost their way. They were wearing patrol equipment and carried rifles and hand bayonets, so that the ration-carrier yarn required some swallowing. The sentries (Privates C. Dungworth and V. Rogers) were awarded the Military Medal, and Captain Wilson received the General's congratulations on the vigilance of his sentries. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
In the Line (ZONNEBEKE) |
C Coy changed positions with the coy of the 5th Batn Y&L Regt then billeted in the vicinity of Batn. HQ. Jabber Track was becoming increasingly unhealthy, as the enemy appeared to have taken a sudden dislike to it and shelled it violently at intervals. On December 13th, for instance—chiefly owing to this unpleasantness—we had one man killed, and 2nd Lieutenant Kirby (who had only just joined us) and twelve men were wounded. We constructed an excellent observation post inside a wrecked pill-box on the crest of Broodseinde Ridge. From this a constant watch was kept, but there was very little movement to be seen, probably because the enemy held his advance posts at night only. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
In the Line (ZONNEBEKE) |
Right Sub-sector. A support line was formed of five Lewis gun posts all just west of BROODSEINDE RIDGE. These were anti-aircraft posts by day. Soon after dark A Coy relieved D Coy in the front line. D Coy becoming coy in support. Strength 41 off, 649 O.R. Casualties: 2nd Lt R.H. Kilby wounded; OR 1 killed, 8 wounded. |
In the Line (ZONNEBEKE) |
The ridge in D29c and Batn HQ intermittently shelled throughout the day. Casualties OR 2 killed, 1 wounded, one other wounded but remained at duty. There was considerable aerial activity on both sides. Weather was good and clear. |
In the Line (ZONNEBEKE) |
Comparatively quiet day. Casualties 1 OR wounded. During this period in the line considerable progress was made in the improvement of the front line posts. The nights were very dark and it was impossible to do much wiring of the posts. |
In the Line (ZONNEBEKE) |
The Batn was relieved by the 5th KOYLI and then proceeded to GARTER POINT (map ref; J3 a5.5) The coys were distributed as follows: A Coy TOKIO RIDGE, D28c B Coy ANZAC RIDGE (map ref: J3a) C Coy In [?] at map ref: D29a 1.8 D Coy WESTHOEK RIDGE (map ref: J8a) The Batn was deployed in Divisional Working Parties.. From December 17th to 23 rd the Hallamshires were in support on the ridges, just behind the front. During most of that time our men were employed in putting up wire defences on Broodseinde Ridge, behind the front of the right battalion sector. The weather was bitterly-cold and foggy. Work was carried out in the daytime, as it was possible to move quite freely under cover of the mist. The ground was frozen so hard that it was almost impossible to drive the wire pickets into it. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Casualties OR 1 killed 6 wounded |
A Coy began the wiring of BROODSEINDE RIDGE behind the front line of the RIGHT BATN. |
A, B and D Coys wiring BROODSEINDE RIDGE. Progress was impaired by a very hard frost. The weather was very foggy. |
Wiring continued. The weather was very foggy. |
The Bde was relieved by 147 Infantry Brigade to become the reserve to the Division. The Batn was relieved by the 5th Batn W. Riding Regt. And proceeded to the CANAL area. Coys were billeted in Nissen huts and the HQ was at CHATEAU BELGE (Sheet 28 H23b). On December 23 rd the 5th West Ridings relieved us and we marched out to the Belgian Chateau. In spite of thirteen days in the front line area, the men were remarkably clean and fresh, doubtless because of the fine frosty weather. In the thirteen days four men were killed, and one officer and eighteen men were wounded. At this time there were forty-two officers, but only 634 other ranks, on the strength of the Battalion The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
CANAL AREA (Sheet 28 H23b) |
The Batn formed Divisional Working Parties (Salvage and digging trench for cables). It was announced that the Military Medal had been awarded to No. 203245 Pte Rogers V. & 2012702 Pte Dungworth C. for gallant conduct on the 12th when an enemy patrol approached their post. The “TIMES” announced the follwing “Mentions in Despatches” Lt Colonel D.S. Branson MC Major J.E.D. Stickney Capt J.F. Wortley MC Lt T.G. Sanderson Lt A. Gladwin No. 200154 Sgt Naylor W.H. |
CANAL AREA (Sheet 28 H23b) |
Working parties leave at 11.30am in order that the men might have their Christmas dinner at 2.00pm. The whole of our Brigade was now out of the line and in Divisional support. Battalion Headquarters were at Belgian Chateau itself, and the companies were billeted near by in Nissen huts. On Chrismas Eve the "Times" informed us that Colonel Branson, Major Stickney, Captain Wortley, Lieutenants Sanderson and Gladwin, and Sergeant Nay lor had been mentioned in despatches, and in the New Year's List Colonel Branson received his D.S.O. We supplied working and salvage parties from the 24th to the 28th, but on Christmas Day the work ceased at 11-30 a.m. in order to get the men back to camp in good time for their Christmas Dinner at 2 p.m. As Battalion Headquarters were in the Chateau, the CO. was able to entertain all the officers to a very jolly dinner—with a splendid programme supplied by Drum-Major Manser, the drums, and a few amateurs! At this Christmas dinner, and at many other times during the war, we were able to appreciate the advantage of having friends at home. A small committee of old officers, consisting of Colonel G. E. Branson, Major W. Tozer, Major J. Wortley, Captain Hay, and others, with Captain S. J. Robinson as Officer i/c Administration, saw to it that many luxuries and minor necessaries not obtainable from Army stores reached us—and we were not ungrateful. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005. |
CANAL AREA (Sheet 28 H23b) |
Divisional Working Parties (Salvage) Strength on the 28th 42 off, 634 O.R |
CANAL AREA (Sheet 28 H23b) |
Brigade took over the LEFT SUBSECTOR. The Batn moved to HUSSAR CAMP EAST (map ref: I4 c6.6) becoming Batn in the Bde reserve The Battalion marched forward again on December 29th and occupied some new Nissen huts near the ruins of Hussar Farm at Potijze. The camp was not completely ready for occupation, but in the next two days every available man was turned out and the job' finished. We also revetted the sides of all the huts as a protection (more or less) against bombing. Parties of men were sent off each day to work on Anzac Ridge for the Canadian Tunnellers, and a hundred men worked at making a plank road near
Our "front line" in this sector was easier to find on the map than on the ground. It was merely a line of posts, each consisting of a few joined-up shell-holes, with here and there a few yards of proper trench. There were no communication trenches at all, and movement during the day-time was very difficult and was not encouraged by the Boche. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
All available men worked at completing the camp and revetting round the sides of the huts in the camp which was occupied for the first time by this Batn. |
JAN 1918 |
The Batn billeted in CAMP HUSSAR EAST. Working parties were formed as follows: 1. 27 men working for Canadian Tunnellers on ANZAC RIDGE. (J2b8.0) 2. 100 men working on a new plank road at BAVARIA HOUSE (C30c6.3) 3. Remainder of Batn working on revetments [?] huts for protection against bombing |
Work as on the 1st |
Work as on the 1st. The “Times” announced that the DSO has been awarded to Lt Colonel D.S. Branson MC (New Year’s Honours) |
The Batn relieved 5th KOYLI (Right Batn Left Sub-sector) during the afternoon as follows: C Coy right front line; D Coy Left front line; A Coy
Front Line posts were rather elementary. There were no communication trenches and it was not generally advisable to visit them during daylight. Weather cold and dry. Strength 41 officers and 645 OR. |
Quiet days. Casualties 1 OR wounded |
Thaw began but frost set in again in the evening. |
Snow. Casualties 1 OR wounded. Enemy artillery more active than in previous days. |
Enemy much more active than usual.. The Batn HQ area was shelled continuously from
Relieved by 2/5th
During the six days here we lost only six men wounded. On January 7th snow fell for several hours and added to our discomfort in the line. The enemy was comparatively quiet until January 8th, when the artillery fire increased considerably, and on the 9th he shelled the whole Battalion area heavily from 10 a.m. to 11-30 a.m., and intermittently throughout the day. On January 10th the Division was relieved by the 66th Division, the Hallamshires handing over their part of the line to the 2/5th East Lanes, and marching back to Hussar Camp for the night. Mere holes in the earth—and not the comfortable Nissen huts—were our lot this time, and as the thaw had set in, it was a matter of some difficulty to tuck the men away for the night in the muddy shelters and bivouacs. On the following morning the Battalion marched to a road near Kruisstraat, where scores of motor lorries were drawn up in line. After the regulation wait and a journey of some five hours, we de-bussed at St. Sylvester Cappel and marched to the next village, St. Marie Cappel, where we were billeted for sixteen days. The men's billets were very good, while those of the officers were positively luxurious compared with any others they had occupied since Septem-"ber. The Battalion was scattered over a large area, but even this had its advantages, at least from a company point of view! The fact that there was very little ground available for training was a distinct drawback, but the local farmers were bribed to let us use some of their fields for drill and football. The mornings were devoted to training, and a very comprehensive programme was carried out. Every afternoon there were several games of football, and some very good inter-platoon matches were played. Brigadier-General L. F. Green-Wilkinson presented a silver cup for competition by company football teams in the Brigade. Our C Company team was a hot favourite from the start. Led by Captain Wortley, they made short work of our own company teams, afterwards defeating the 5th Y. and L. team, and finally the 4th K.O.Y.Iy.I. (4-0), thus securing the cup. The village schoolroom was the scene of several evening concerts, no less enjoyable because of the wonderfully stuffy atmosphere, the discomfort of the children's desks, and a glass or two of beer! The Tykes, too, were not far away at this time. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
The Batn moved to ST MARIE CAPPEL (map ref; sheet 27, D13 d7.2). Billets were good especially for officers. Training facilities poor – very little ground available. The Batn was scattered over a rather large area. Strength 41 off, 645 O.R. |
These days were spent in re-clothing the men and cleaning up generally |
Training. This included for the most part close order drill, Ceremonial, Musketry, Batn respirator drill, [?] and training of the Lewis Gunners, Bombers, Signallers and [?]. A 30 X range was available on every alternate day for rifle and L.C. firing. |
Training as for the 15th. |
Training as before. Strength 40 officers, 694 OR. First round of football competition (Company teams) for the Brigade Commander’s Cup was played and results as follows: C Coy 2 goals v A Coy 1 goal D Coy 3 goals v B Coy o goals |
Training as before. |
Sunday – no training. Major John David Kerr MC, Sherwood Foresters joined the Batn as second-in-command. C Coy played D Coy in football to decide which Coy should represent the Batn for the Brigade Commander’s Cup. Result: C Coy 2 goals D Coy 1 goal. On January 20th we were joined by an officer of the Sherwood Foresters as Second-in-Command of the Battalion. Possibly there were reasons for finding an appointment for an officer of another regiment, but it was felt that we had officers in the Battalion who could have carried a major's crown efficiently. The 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Training as before. Batn played 148 Trench Mortar
Training as before. |
Semi-final of football competition (companies) for the Brigade Commander’s Cup; C Coy 2 goals A Coy 1/5th Y&L 1 goal. Training as before. |
Training as before. C Coy beat W Cot 4th KOYLI in the final of the Brigade Commander’s Cup. Score 4-0. |
Training as before. Strength 40 officers 717 OR. |
Training. Lt Colonel D.S.Branson took over command of the 148 Infantry Brigade while Brig-General L.P. Green-Wilkinson was on leave in
Batn moved to MONTREAL CAMP (map ref: sheet 28, H19,b6.8). Sub-training at CAESTRE and detraining at BRANDHOEK SIDINGS All good things come to an end, and on January 27th the Battalion marched regretfully from St. Marie Cappel to Caestre, about five kilometres away, where it entrained and was taken to Brandhoek, a village on the main
For the next two weeks seventy-five per cent, of the Battalion made a daily pilgrimage to the front line area for work on a series of strong posts on the forward slopes of Anzac Ridge. These posts were carefully sited and very well designed. They were made complete with dug-out accommodation and wire defences, and they ran in a continuous line down the whole of the Corps front. Although the actual working time was only three hours per day, our four posts were completed in the time allotted. Every morning we turned out of billets at 4-45 a.m. and were taken by lorry to Brandhoek Siding, whence an ancient passenger train carried us some ten kilometres to Hellfire Corner, east of
One morning the train started away from Brandhoek Siding as usual, but had not gone more than two or three hundred yards when an ominous grinding noise was heard, and she began to bump and sway violently. The R.O.D. drivers managed to stop her before she turned over, but it was found that the whole of the front part of the train had left the metals and the coaches were leaning over at a most alarming angle. We thought we should certainly have a day's holiday, but the Railway Operating Department sent another train up from Poperinghe in less than a quarter of an hour! The working parties usually got back to camp at about 2 p.m., by which time they were ravenously hungry, although they always took "haversack rations" with them to the work. The enemy did not interfere with the proceedings, although he was now trying a new and annoying method of shelling. He would concentrate the fire of a number of guns of different calibre upon a given spot and blaze away for a couple of 'minutes, when the fire would as suddenly cease. However, as the capture of Passchendaele had more or less blinded the enemy in this sector, he did not often do damage to anything but the poor long-suffering earth. The popular cries of the day were : "What have you salved to-day?" "Salve more and save shipping." From Corps Commander to Sanitary Man the salvage fever had got into our blood, and in fourteen days the Battalion salved and brought back from the line goods worth thousands of pounds. Boche machine guns, cartridge belts, shell cases, steel helmets, rifles, bayonets, rum jars, bombs—anything and everything that might conceivably be worth a farthing was carried down those miles of duck-board tracks and into the train, and finally dumped into our limbers at Brandhoek Siding. While at
1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
28-01-18 |
Two-thirds of Batn worked on the CORPS SUPPORT LINE. Party moved by bus from the camp to BRANDHOEK SIDINGS; thence by train to HELLFIRE CORNER. |
Work as on the 28th. Draft of 41 OR arrived. |
Work as on the 29th except that three-quarters of the Batn worked. |
FEB 1918 |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
The Batn billeted in huts in MONTREAL CAMP. Two-thirds to three-quarters of the men on working parties on the Corps
Strength 39 officers 723 OR |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
Working parties as on the 1st inst. |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
Working parties as before. Draft of 3 OR joined the Batn. |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
Working parties as before. |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
Work as before Draft of 7 officers and 171 OR from 2/5th Batn York and Lancaster. Names of officers: Capt L. Cheesewright Lts R.F. Woodroofs, W.N. Scawin, L. Robinson,; 2nd Lts F.W. Davison MM, C. Utley and G. Thompson MC. It was announced that the Belgian Croix de Guerre had been awarded to: No. 200433 T/RSM Imisson G. & 200485 CSM Wood W. On February 6th it was announced that the Belgian Croix de Guerre had been awarded to R.S.M. Imisson and C.S.M. Wood, the veteran Sergeant-Major of B Company. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
Working parties as before. |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
Work a before. Lt Col D.S. Branson DSO MC returned from commanding No 8 Inf Brigade. Strength 45 officers 893 OR |
(H19b6.8 Sheet 28) |
Work as before |
Work as before. Major J.D. Kerr MC took over command of the Batn from Lt Col D.S. Branson DSO MC on leave to
Draft of 5 officers and 100 OR posted to the Batn from the 14th Batn Yorks and Lancaster Regt. Names of officers: Lt. (A/Capt) F.W. Johnson, 2nd Lt R. Hirst, 2nd Lts J.W. Field, H.B. Stockley MM, C.R. Hope, |
Batn moved to MOULLE, ( 5m W of ST OMER) ,entraining at BRANDHOEK siding, entraining at WATTEN, thence by march route. Billets very good indeed but rather scattered. 2nd Lt J.J. Bramley to
2nd Lt C.H. Kilby to
Entraining at Brandhoek Siding on February 11th, we were taken in the familiar cattle trucks to Watten, near St. Omer, a distance of more than fifty kilometres. We arrived there late at night, and marched a further six kilometres to exceptionally good billets at Moulle. The sole drawback was the fact that the Battalion was scattered over a very large area, thus making communication and the distribution of supplies difficult. As we had been brought to this delightful part of France for field firing practices, there was not much time for rest or recreation, but the ranges at Nortleulinghem (some five kilometres from Moulle) were excellent, and the training interesting enough. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Batn fired in the range near NORTLEULINGHEM. |
Firing in the range |
Firing in the range. C coy won the Brigade Drill Competition in the afternoon. |
Firing in the range. Batn football team played te 1/3rd(W.R.) Field Ambulance in the Brigade final of the inter-battalion football competition. Result :Batn 0, Field Ambl 1. Strength 51 officers 995 OR. |
Batn carried out a Field Firing Practice in the range |
17-02-18 |
The other feature of our stay at Moulle—and at Zuytpeene, where we marched via St. Omer, Arques and Bavinchove on February, 17th—was a series of competitions. C Company (Captain Francis Wortley) had done remarkably well in all recent competitions, both military and sporting, and now proceeded to win fresh laurels. On February 14th this company won the Brigade Drill Competition, and on the 21st the Divisional Drill Competition. On the 19th its football team played the 245th M.G. Company in the semi-final of the Divisional Inter-Company Football Competition, and won 4-0. On the 15th the Battalion team played the i/3rd (W.R.) Field Ambulance in the final of the Brigade Football Competition, but after a stiff tussle the Ambulance defeated us 1-0. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Batn moved by march route via ST OMER –ARQUES- BAUINCHOVE yo ZUYTPEENE (Sheet 27 O7d) Billets good. On the 18th, at Zuytpeene, the Hallamshires held a crosscountry run, but it was discovered that a twenty-six kilometre marcK on the day before is scarcely the best preparation for such an event. On the 20th 2nd Lieutenant S. E. Warburton and A Company Rifle Grenade Team won the Divisional Rifle Bombing Competition, while Lieutenant Ryan, with the Scouts, won the Divisional Observing Competition and gained second place in Scouting. While the Battalion was at Moulle, Major Holmes left for the |
Company training and interior economy. C coy played 254th MG Coy of the semi-final of the Divisional Inter-company football competition. Result: C coy 4. 254th MG Coy 0. |
A Coy Rifle Bombing team (under 2nd Lt S.E. Warburton MM) won the Divisional Rifle Bombing Competition. Lt W. Ryan and Scout Section represented Bde in Scout Drill Competion. Result not yet known. |
C Coy (commanded bt Capt J.F. Wortley MC) won the Divisional Drill Competition. Bde cross-country run won by 1/3rd (W.R.) Field Ambulance. It was announced that the Belgian Croix de Guerre has been awarded to no. 23919 McGough (joined from the 2/5th Batn York and Lancaster Regt. 9th inst.). |
Strength 49 off, 986 O.R.. |
148 Infantry Brigade move to forward area and become Bde in Divisional reserve. Batn moved to INFANTRY BARRACKS YPRES. The Battalion entrained at Bavinchove on February 23rd, and was taken up to
A certain number of men sent out on working parties under the R.E. Remainder carried out some training and carried out improvements on billets etc. |
[no entry] |
MAR 1918 |
Casualties 2 O.R. wounded |
Batn moved into the line (JUDGE SUBSECTOR ) relieving 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regt. The Batn held front line (Sheet 28 ,J11b90.05 - J6c25.35) with two coys; one coy in support and one in reserve Batn HQ was at J4c20.40 On March 2nd we marched up to the front line in the Judge Cross Roads sector, east of Polygon Wood, relieving the 6th West Ridings. The trenches had been dug by some
Quiet day |
Quiet on our front but considerable shelling of our Division on our right. Casualties 1 O.R. wounded. |
Incessant bombardment of our Division on our right. Casualties 1 O.R. wounded. But on March 5th he opened a very heavy bombardment upon the 37th Division on our right. The bombardment extended over the whole of that division's front from the trenches to the back area, and the shelling on our own front had shown a decided increase. It was well known that the enemy had been preparing a big attack, and when the bombardment continued on the 6th and 7th we naturally thought that the Boche had selected us as his victims. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Bombardment on the right continued. Casualties 1 O.R. wounded |
Right Coy (A Coy) reported the enemy moving on the BECLAERE-ZWAANHOEK Right at about
At least a 100 men seen from the CRATER (J11b90.05). The artillery fired on them and the threatened attack did not materialise. [?] 7 [?] all was quiet. At 5-15 p.m. on March 7th Captain Unsworth reported that the enemy was showing great activity on the Becelaere—Zwaanhoek Ridge. We had a very good forward observation post in a crater on !A. Company's front, and from this place a large number of the enemy could be seen, apparently massing for the attack. The artillery were at once 'phoned, and a destructive fire was promptly put on to the enemy troops, with the result that the attack did not materialise. By 7 p.m. all was quiet. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Enemy attacked Division on our right (37th Division) under cover of a smoke barrage in J16c, J21a and J21c at
Strength: 49 off, 1032 O.R. Next day [8th] the enemy artillery fire was intense all the afternoon, and at 5-45 p.m. he attacked the 37th Division on our immediate right under cover of a smoke barrage. The Germans obtained a temporary footing in the front line, but were ejected by the 10th Royal Fusiliers after a stiff fight. The attack did not extend to our front, but our artillery co-operated. We expected our turn to come at any moment, and the rather melodramatic messages that we received from the Staff did nothing to increase the general confidence in our ability to repel the attack. No man ever had his feet warmed by being reminded that Bngland expected him not to get them cold. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Quiet day. Casualties 3 O.R. wounded. In the somewhat lively eight days from March 2nd to 9th we had only eight men wounded. Battalion Headquarters and two companies were now billeted in tunnelled dugouts on the Ridge; and the remaining two companies in Railway Wood dug-outs. These were all shell-proof, but there was considerable danger from gas-shelling. Westhoek Ridge was literally covered with guns, and the enemy shelling at this point was often quite disconcerting. Nevertheless, we managed to put in a little time at physical drill, etc., until aeroplane photographs showed that the Ridge was beginning to look like a barrack square. We were then ordered to "scarify" the surface of the ground in order that the guileless Boche might think that no one lived there. man ever had his feet warmed by being reminded that Bngland expected him not to get them cold. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Brigade relieved by 147 Inf Brigade and moved into Division reserve. Battalion relieved by 1/6th Batn Duke of Wellington Regt and billeted 2 coys at WESTHOEK RIDGE and 2 coys in RAILWAY WOOD. (In both cases in tunnelled dugouts). Casualties 1 O.R. wounded. On the night of March 10th we were relieved in the front line by the 6th West Ridings, and we filed out down the duck-board tracks to the area of Westhoek Ridge. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Batn formed various working parties in the vicinity of WESTHOEK RIDGE and carried out a certain amount of training in small parties. We managed to get the men bathed during our "rest" in these vile dug-outs, but very little real work was done there. The men wrote thousands of letters, and kept the officers busy censoring them—otherwise there was very little to do but sleep. Even that was not easy, for although the vitiated atmosphere of the dug-outs induced sleep, the crashing efforts of our guns prevented it. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
As 13th .Casualties 1 O.R. wounded. |
As 14th .Strength 49 officers 1042 O.R. |
As 15th. 1 O.R. wounded. |
Batn moved into the line relieving 1/6th Batn Duke of
On March 18th the 4th West Ridings relieved us in the dug-outs, and we moved forward to our old sector in the front line. We were instructed that the enemy was to be annoyed as much as possible, and. that efforts were to be made to secure identifications. A raid was promptly arranged, and Lieutenant Warburton was selected to lead it. The raiding party, according to our usual custom, was sent down to train and rest behind the front line area, and the Scouts made several reconnaissances of the position to be raided. The enemy shelling was heavy every day, particularly on our right front and support lines, and in our first four days we lost twelve men killed and twenty-four wounded. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Considerable [?] with enemy gas shells (Blue +) and the
Casualties: 19th 4 O.R. wounded 20th 2 O.R. killed 6 O.R. wounded. 21st 8 O.R. killed 11 O.R. wounded March 21st, the day on which the Boche attacked the Fifth Army in the South, was particularly lively, and at about 9 p.m. the shelling had developed into a veritable barrage. Our Scouts were caught in a heavy gas shoot on their way up to the line, but carried out their patrol "according to plan," and were fired on by the very machine guns which were to be the objective of our raiders. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Some shelling of the
Casualties: 3 O.R. wounded,. Strength: 46 off, 950 O.R. |
Casualties: 4 O.R. wounded. |
Quiet day. 1 O.R. wounded. |
The Batn carried out a raid on German post at about J12a 40.35, capturing 4 prisoners and 1 heavy and 1 light machine gun., and killing several other of the enemy. The raid was carried out by 2nd Lt S.E. Warburton MM .(Operation Orders are attached) [see Appendix , photo of Op. Orders and map] Casualties: 2nd Lt S.E. Warburton wounded, 7 O.R. wounded, 1 O.R. missing. Other casualties on that day : 1 O.R. wounded.
On March 25th, our last night in the line, our raid took place. The Scout Officer laid tapes from the front line up to within a few yards of the enemy post, and led the various detachments of the raiders into their positions. Colonel Branson, who had returned from leave in time to supervise the arrangements for the raid, came up to the crater in the front line to watch the show, and punctually to the second the artillery opened out with whizz-bangs on the enemy machine gun post. The night was almost perilously moonlit, but the enemy was taken completely by surprise, and in a very few minutes our men returned with four live Boche and two machine guns. They had also killed several Huns and damaged his machine - gun position considerably. Our total casualties for the raid were 2nd Lieutenant War-burton and seven men wounded. Not until the Battalion was out of the line on the next day did we learn that Lieutenant Warburton's servant, who had been watching the raid from the crater, was missing. It transpired that he had attempted to follow Warburton, and had doubtless got lost and killed. For gallantry in connection with the raid, the M.C. was awarded to 2nd Lieutenant S. E. Warburton, M.M.; the D.C.M. to Sergeant C. Firth; and the M.M. to Corporal F. Lupton and Privates Barron, Day, Adey, Peart and Hopkinson. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Batn relieved by 1/6th Batn Duke of
We were relieved in the afternoon of the 26th by the 6th West Ridings and marched back to Maui Camp, west of
Batn took over TOWER HAMLETS SECTOR, three coys relieving 4th Batn Middlesex Regt & and one coy relieving part of 8th Batn Somerset Light Infantry Regt (37th Div) Batn held the line with two coys in the front line and 1 coy in support and 1 in reserve. Batn HQ at J20d3.7 Then we returned to the front, relieving the 37th Division south of the
Quiet day , 4 O.R. wounded |
Casualties 2 O.R. wounded. Strength; 42 off, 956 O.R. |
Quiet day. |
1 O.R. wounded. Fortunately for us, the enemy was very quiet on our part of the front. He caused us a certain amount of trouble at first by firing light trench mortars very accurately at our lines, but this was stopped by sending back six of our Stokes to each of his L.T.M.'s. The front was vigorously patrolled throughout each night, but very little was heard except the lurid language of our men as they worked on the barbed wire defences. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
APR 1918 |
Quiet day.Relieved by 1/7th West
To SCOTTISH WOOD CAMP (map ref: sheet 28, H35b) Late on the night of April 1st we were relieved by the 7th
The news of the Boche attacks in the South led us to suppose that it would not be long before we were taking our share in the task of stopping him, and after the Battalion had had one more (rather uneventful) spell in the line, the Division was withdrawn. 1/4th (Hallamshire) Battalion York & Lancaster Regt. 1914-1919 by Captain D.P. Grant, M.C., M.A. ,pub. by The Naval & Military Press, 2005 |
Some training was also carried out and the “leap-frog” system of attack was practised |
To TOWER HAMLETS SECTOR Relieved the 1/7th
Quiet day. Casualties 1 OR wounded. |
Relieved by 5th York &
GOC Bde addressed all officers and some hints on open warfare.By train to ALBERTA CAMP, RENINGHLIST (map ref: M5a 4.2) in the evening |
By bus to NEUVE EGLISE. Encamped on hill NW of village. Situation in front not definitely known. Outposts were thrown out. On this day there were Lt Col D.S. Branson DSO , MC and 80 OR who came out with the Batn 13th April 1918 and who had served continuously with the Batn. |
NEUVE EGLISE [The Tactical Incident: “The Defence of Neuve Eglise”] |
11.45 am C.O. summoned to Bde HQ where it was explained that the enemy had broken through in squares T23 and T24. Batn was ordered to move forward to “restore the situation”. Four M.Gs of the 49th M.G. battalion allotted to the Batn. The Batn would later come under the 25th Division. Batn moved off at 12.30pm assembling at L’ALOUETTE (T16b)[ 1km E of NEUVE EGLISE] It was found that the British occupied HILL 63 but there was no sign of troops to the right of this point. 3.00pm: Batn attacked with B& C Coys establishing a line on road running through T23 turning enemy from farms in the neighbourhood, and getting in touch with KSLI (19th Division) and 25th M.G. Batn. on the left. The right flank however was in the air and D Coy was pushed forward to form a flank.
Th position of the Coys was as follows: B Coy right flank C Coy left flank D Coy right support A Coy left support Batn. HQ was at T10 central. The 458th Field Coy RE and some attached infantry held a line in rear and helped to protect the left flank of the Batn. The C.O. met O.C. 4th KSLI who states that he had orders to withdraw to the Army Reserve Line. This he did leaving the left flank of the Batn in the air. During the night enemy patrols attacked our left Coy twice but were beaten off on both occasions. Casualties: Officers wounded - 2nd Lt J.B. Parker & A.J. Nicholls OR killed 1 OR wounded 8 OR missing 2 |
NEUVE EGLISE [The Tactical Incident: “The Defence of Neuve Eglise”] |
Casualties: Officers killed – 2nd Lt J.F. Dixon, Lt C.T. Bedwell, & 2nd Lt D. Howells Officers wounded – 2nd Lts R. Hirst, P.H. Stockley. Lt. C. Hutley Other Ranks – 3 killed, 76 wounded, 72 missing |
NEUVE EGLISE [The Tactical Incident: “The Defence of Neuve Eglise”] |
8.00am Parties of the enemy were seen in the WEST End of NEUVE EGLISE village., This threatened our right and rear. A party of 50 strong was therefore sent under Capt. J.F. Wortley M.C. and Lieutenant W.D. Griffins M.C. to attempt to drive them out. This they did capturing 51 prisoners and establishing themselves in line through T14d and T15c with oddments of batns of the 100th Bde near them. During the day the KOYLI and others holding SE of the village were driven back a short way.
About 8.00pm Capt. J.F.Wartley M.C. was killed while heading back into the line a party of about 40 stragglers of the 16th KRR (100th Bde) Casualties: Officers killed – Capt J.F. Wortley MC & Lt T.E. Sanderson Officers wounded – 2nd Lt W.K. Shopland Officers missing – 2nd Lt H.R.Key Other ranks – 12 killed, 44 wounded, 12 missing |
By dawn the enemy were seen to have penetrated well into the WEST End of the village and the Batn seemed in danger of being outflanked. A platoon was placed at T9c1.0 and HQ details of the Batn and 4th KOYLI took up a line through T9e central. About
They were compelled to fall back under heavy M.G. fire from houses in NEUVE EGLISE to a line running through T9 central, being in touch with the Gloucesters on the left and with the right Coy forming a defensive flank. At this point the C.O. (Lt Colonel D.F. Branson, DSO, M.C.) was wounded. A portion of the troops on the right flank were withdrawn by order of the O.C. 4th KOYLI to the Corps Line. The remainder maintained their positions until
Casualties: Officers wounded – Lt Col D.S. Branson DSO, MC. Major J.D. Kerr MC. Lts S.H. Reynolds , R.E. Mainprice, W. Ryan & E. Williams. And 2nd Lt C.G. Miller Other Ranks – 5 killed, 34 wounded, 23 missing |
Capt G Unsworth now took over command of the Batn. Soon after
12.35 am Orders received to move at once to assembly positions in M34a & b by crossroads M30b2.7 – road junction M29b15.95 – crossroads M29a6.7 – road junction M29a15.70 and hence along LOCRE – BAILLEUL Rd. Batn was eventually halted at a farmhouse in M34b2.9. Men billeted in a stable and Batn HQ was established in the farmhouse itself. Soon after 6.00am the Batn was ordered to hold a line of posts running from M34c3.8 to a point 600 x east of
Touch was eventually obtained with 8th Btn Leicestershire Regt on our left. The 4th KOYLI were on our right. Casualties: 15th Officers wounded – Capt. L. Cheesewright & Lt W.N. Scawin Other Ranks – 11 wounded & 1 missing 16th Officers – nil Other Ranks – 2 killed , 16 wounded & 2 missing |
At Map ref M34a |
In the evening the Batn. relieved 9th Batn HCI ? and part of 16th Batn KRRC in the line Dispositions as follows: a) Right front Coy held posts at S11a3.7, S11a40.75, S11a60.95 and in support at S15c3.2 b) Left front Coy held line of 5 posts from S5c60.25 to S5d central c)
d) Reserve Coy held line of posts. One half Coy from S5c3.2 to S5c1.3 and second half Coy from SS4d4.5 to S4d7.6 e) Batn HQ were at S4d65.75 (in a farmhouse cellar). Our HQ was also shared by the batn on our right (4th KOYLI). A party of R.Es of WYATTS FORCE on our left. Casualties: 2nd Lt F.W. Davison MM killed, Lt D.T. Keating wounded Other Ranks – 1 killed & 13 wounded |
8.00am Farmhouse near Batn HQ set on fire by shells. Batn HQ moved to another cellar in the vicinity. Enemy comparatively quiet throughout the day. In the evening 4th KOYLI took over position in the line held by the Batn and the Hallamshires took over a portion of the line held by R.Es of WYATTS FORCE. Adjustments carried out by
Casualties: OR – 1 killed, 4 wounded |
At map ref S5d |
2.45am Dispositions were now as follows:- (a) One and a half Coys held trench lineS5d30.15 – S5d80.30 – S5d95.45. (b) One Coy held line of posts from S5c75.45 to S5d30.50 and one half Coy from S5d30.50 to S5d70.60 (c ) Reserve Coy held line of posts running from S5c40.70 to S5c80.75 and from S5d00.80 to S5d15.80 (d) Batn HQ at S4d30.70 but moved to S5b20.40 later in the day. The day was fairly quiet but there was considerable MG activity in the evening. Batn was relieved by one Coy of the 83rd French in the night19/20th. Relief complete by about 1.30am 20th. On relief Batn moved to a field in G32a where they bivouaced for the remainder of the night. Casualties: 1 OR wounded. |
At map ref. G32a |
The Batn marched to RIDGE CAMP (map ref: G11 a 5.4) by G26c5.9 – G20a4.5 – G15b1.7 – A4d3.4 – A5d1.2. Accommodation good. Strength of Battalion: 05-04 41 off 939 O.R. 12-04 42 off 932 O.R. 19-04 20 off 563 O.R 26-04 24 off 583 O.R |
21-04-18 |
Two hundred men of the Battalion were inspected by M. Clemenceau on the POPERINGE –
.Capt R.E. Wilson MC returned to the Batn and took command. Time spent in refitting the Batn and some training carried out – particularly in the leap-frog method of attack. |
12.30am Orders received for Bde to move forward and take over a position of the FRONT LINE (CHEAPSIDE LINE) between left flank of 9th KOYLI (64th I.B.) about N15b9.9 and the HALLEBAT-VIERSTAAT ROAD. [near Kemmel] The Batn took over the BLUE LINE from
4.25am The attack took place.The barrage which was to fall 250yd in front of the BLUE LINE was absolutely inadequate and 5 or 6 German machine guns which had been pitched forward on to the
a heavy unit which covered the beginning of our advance but as soon as the movement was noticed the machine guns on the
At dusk the Batn took over a further130 yds of front from the 5th Y&L Regt to enable the Batn to fill a gap between their right and the left of the 9th KOYLI on the right. Caualties: Officers killed – Capt H. Faulder, Lt T.P. Brawbury, 2nd Lt R.P.R. Penrose, P.P. McArdle Officers missing – 2nd Lt W. Beck DCM OR – 17 killed , 65 wounded and 9 missing |
27-04-18 |
In the evening the Batn was relieved by 2nd Batn Royal Scots Fusiliers and the 4th KOYLI took over from the 9th Batn KOYLI. On relief the Batn took up a position in support with one coy in close support to the 5th Y&L Regt and three coys in N9a central. Casualties: OR – 3 wounded |
Casualties: OR – 3 wounded |
At about
The whole are was shelled intermittently throughout the morning and the enemy were frequently reported to have been ? ? by the front line Batns but no further attack developed. The enemy’s aircraft were extremely active throughout the day. Casualties: OR – 3 killed, 14 wounded |
Comparatively quiet day. Batn relieved in the evening by the 9th Loyal
Strength of Batn during the month 5th April – 41 officers and 939 OR 12thApril – 42 officers and 932 OR 19th April – 20 officers and 563 OR 26th April - 24 officers and 583 OR The following officers joined the Batn during the month 7th April – Hon Capt and QM M.J. McDermott 21st April – 2nd Lt R.P. McArdle 22nd April – Capt H. Faulder, 2nd Lt E.P. Tolchard, R.J.R. BeckDCM, J.G. Woolman 27th April – Lt C.N. Platt, 2nd Lts J.B. Greenwood, W.Evans (these three officers lent from 19th Btan Lans Fusiliers). 2nd Lt W. Jeffs, A. Rylett, G. Milner. 29th April - 2nd Lts G. Harrison, T.G. Tongue, F.H. Oldfield, W.H. Oliver. AWARDS The following awards were made for gallantry displayed during a raid on the enemy’s trenches
MC – 2nd Lt S.E. Warburton MM DCM – No. 14/992 Serg. Firth C. MM – No 202006 Pte Day T., No 14264 Pte Adey A., No 203419 Pte Peart H. . No. 203320 Pte Hopkinson E. [signed] N. E. Wilson Lt Col Comd. 1/4th Batn Y&L regt. |
MAY 1918 |
01-05-1918 |
In Camp |
Batn in camp at G27b5.0 (Sheet 28) |
02-05-1918 |
In Camp |
Bde relieved 74th Infantry Bde in the Centre of Sector of the Div. Front (N15b0.6- N10c7.9) The Batn relieved the 3rd Worcester in the Right Sub-sector. Dispositions as follows - (a) One Coy held from N10d4.0 to N10d45.70 (b) Two Coys held from N15b5.8 tro N10d2.3 (c) One Coy from N15b1.5 to N15b4.9 (d) Batn HQ in farmhouse at N9d8.8 Before the relief was actually completed a party of about six of the enemy approached our line . Largeley owing to the gallantry of N. 203320 Pte HOPKINSON (A Coy) the party was dispersed, two of the partry were killed and two captured. Two (?) of (?) and some rations were also taklen. Casualties - officers - Lt C. L. PLATT (attached from Lancashire Fus) and 2 Lt F.H. OLDFIELD wounded. O.R. - killed 2 wounded 3., |
03-05-18 |
From examination 3 prisoners (including the two taken by the Batn on the 2 .5) to expect probably that the enemy would attack on this day. At about 8.15pm a very heavy bombardment (?) and away on the right . (unclear sentence follows) Casualties O.R. 2 wounded. Strength: 26 off, 450 O.R. Lt H. (?) , 2 Lt (?) WEATHERILL and (?) - all of the Loyal North Lancashire Regt joined the Batn. |
04-05-18 |
[an unclear sentence from previous page, then] The Bde. Was relieved by the 143rd French Infantry Batn and on relief proceeded to a camp at G21b0.3. Casualties -OR killed 2 wounded 5. The following officers joined the Batn - Lt. M. ELRINGTON 2nd Lts J.S.BARNES, J.H.HORN, J. DARNELL (all of the Loyal North Lancs Regt.) |
05-05-18 |
Batn marched to ROAD CAMP (F25d3.3). 2nd Lt T.H. Constable MM. (Loyal North Lancs Regt) joined the Batn. |
06-05-1918 |
2nd Lt. J. CAPPER (Loyal North Lancs Regt) joined the Batn. The day was spent in refitting, cleaning, |
07-05-18 to 09-05-18 |
Training - chiefly under Coy arrangements with special attention to training of Lewis Gunners. Following Officers and OR joined the Batn. - C Lts A. BROADLEY, W.L. BARNETT, W.J. ROBINS, J. FOWEATHER. E.N GILSON (all from the 2/4th (H) Batn Tork and Lancaster Regt and 13 OR. |
10-05-1918 |
Training as before. Strength 39 officers, 473 OR |
11-05-1918 |
[no entry, initials at end of line] |
12-05-1918 |
Draft of 120 OR joined Batn. |
13-05-1918 & 14-05-1918 |
[no entry] |
15-05-1918 & 16-05-1918 |
Capt N.W. STREAT and draft of 40 OR arrived |
17-05-1918 |
Strength 39 officers and 639 OR (initialled at end of line) |
18-05-1918 |
[no entry] |
During the period at ROAD CAMP the training carried out was mostly under Coy arrangements. Some musketry was carried out at 60 yard range and special attention was paid to the training of the Lewis Gunners. The men were comfortable and the weather fine. |
19-05-1918 |
Batn moves by motor bus to camp in Q35c . Sheet 2(?) |
20-05-1918 & 21-05-1918 |
(unknown camp) |
Musketry in the Range adjoining the camp . On the 21st a “Bullet and Bayonet” Competition was held for a prize of 1001 francs offered by the Bde Commander. A platoon of A Coy representing the Batn was sent on this competition. Draft of 78 OR and 97 OR joined the Batn on the 20th and 21st respectively. Draft of 14 O.R joined the Batn 21st. |
22-05-18 |
Musketry on Range adjoining Camp. Military Medals awarded to the undermentioned for gallantry (?) 11-04-1918 to 19-04-1919-8 - 200043 Sgt Bakin F 201744 Cpl Hudson G 200279 L/Cpl Ogden C 203206
33344 Foster A 201897 Leaven ? H 22154 Pte Thicknell G 203204 Andrews J 17511 (?) C 203838 Bennett A 200800 (?) A 31877 Winter R Lieut (Act Capt) D.F. Grant to Hospital |
23-05-1918 |
The Brigade marched to B range near MOULLE for field firing - Casualties nil in the Batn |
24-05-18 |
Transport started on return to ROAD CAMP stopping one night at ETAPLES. Musketry on range prevented by weather until evening. Strength - 39 officers 823 other ranks.. |
25-05-18 |
Return to ROAD CAMP by train. Entraining at ST OMER & detraining at PROVEN: transport completed journey. 8 O.R. arrived Reinforcement Camp (?) taken on strength |
26-05-1918 |
.Moved to PETERBORO & PERKIN CAMPS relieving 6th W.R. Regt. 13 O.R. arrived Reinforcement Camp - taken on strength. |
27-05-1918 |
Carried on with work done by 6th W.R. Regt on last Poperinge Reserve Line by leaving Camp at 4am & returning about 1-30pm making return journey on Light railway. All Lewis Gunners left off working Parties for Training. Military Medals by Corps Commander to under-mentioned for gallantry 20-4-1918 to 7-5-1918: 201839 Pte Jeffrey H 12690
26-?-? Cahill A 703221 Webb A .H. 241229 Wharton F.W 201996 Sissons F.W. 40481 Wing N 283320 Hopkinson 17511 T?. 4 Ors arrived Reinforcement Camp- taken on strength |
28-05-1918 |
[no entry] |
29-05-1918 |
Work carried on as for 27 May |
30-05-1918 |
(?) S. BROOKE rejoined 29th Draft of 14 Ors joined on the 29th 38 OR arrived at Reinforcement Camp - taken on strength |
31-05-1918 |
[Sentence no clear] Strength 43 officer ,804 OR |
JUNE1918 |
01-06-18 |
02-06-18 |
In the line at
03-06-18 to 10-06-18 |
In the Line (
11-06-18 |
In the Line (
Relived by 1/7th
20-06-18 |
In the Line (N of
The Battalion relieved 1/7th West Riding Regt in the night in the sector of the Brigade Front North of
Relief completed by 2.30am on 21/5/18. |
21-06-1918 |
In the Line (N of
Lieut Col. D.S. Branson D.S.O. , M.C. rejoined and took over the command of the Battalion , from ? Lieut R.E.Wilson M.C. Sgt Winterhalder ? of the M.M.P. joined the Battalion on one month’s probation prior to his application being submitted for a commission. Strength 36 officers 857 O.R |
22-06-1918 |
In the Line (N of
A proportion of the sixth party of the American personal consisting 3 officers , 3 N.C.Os - 10 other ranks were attached for instruction. They were attached to the Front Line Coy. Lieut J.S. Hamilton joined the Battalion & proceeded up the Line for duty with D Coy. |
23-06-1918 |
In the Line (N of
2nd Lieut S.P. Dorman was interviewed at Battalion HQ RAMPARTS by the Divisional Commander. Casualties:- 2nd Lieut A. Rylett wounded. I killed , 4 O.R wounded 1 O.R. killed, 2 wounded 24th |
24-06-1918 & 25-06-1918 |
[no entry] |
26-06-1918 |
4 O.R. reinforcements arrived |
27-06-1918 |
The Brigade discussed proposed minor operation with ?????. Casualties:- 4 O.Rs wounded. 2nd Lieut H. (?) joined the Battalion. |
28-06-18 |
(?) operation carried out. The following took part:- No. 1 Coy O. C. Coy - Captain L.W. JOHNSON M.C. 1 Platoon C Coy with 1 Platoon C Coy in support. 1 Platoon D Coy with 1 Platoon D Coy in support No. 2 Coy O.C. Coy - Captain H. ELRINGTON 1 Platoon B Coy 1 Platoon A Coy 1 Platoon A Coy in support The object was to obtain prisoners , kill the enemy & lower his moral. The right party thoroughly searched HILL 40and crossed the
[Raid to kill and demoralise enemy at HILL 40 (
10 killed, 7 wounded |
29/30-06-1918 |
HILL 40 |
Operation carried out by 3 Platoons with the objective of capturing prisoners and obtaining identification. It was thought possible that the enemy would be holding a position in the immediate vicinity of the CROSS ROADS in 16a. & the scheme was for one Platoon to (?) along
Just before Zero hour the left Platoon was seen by the enemy who were in considerable strength at about 16 d 38.95. (?) were thrown up by the enemy & a M.G. started firing. Lieut (?) Reserve Platoon which had become much scattered in (?) was fired on by M.G. from about 16d 85.75. (?) MC of the left Platoon did not consider himself strong enough to attack & the officer of the Reserve Platoon could only collect 10 men was unable to get around to his assistance. Meanwhile the Right Platoon reached ????to objective & found none of the enemy & returned to our lines. Casualties. 10 O.R. killed & 7 O.R. wounded. The Battalion was relieved by 1/5th York and Lancaster Regt. Relief completed by 2-15am 30/6/18 (Battn HQ at H18a0.7 Officers struck off 2nd Lieut W.J. MOFFAT to RAF 23/6/18 2nd Lieut S.P. DORMAN to 1/6 Duke of
Strength 21/6/18 34 officers 857 O.R. 28/6/18 33 officers 854 O.R. |
JULY 1918 |
01-07-18 to 06-07-18 |
In the Field |
Working on rear defences, enemy quiet. [Thomas granted Proficiency Pay Class 1(Burnt Records), presumably he qualified as a Lewis Gunner] Strength: 31 off, 836 O.R. , 7 O.R. reinforcements |
07-07-18 |
In the Field |
Relieved by 1/7th
08-07-18 to 14-07-18 |
Training |
15-07-18 |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
Relieved 1/4th Duke of Wellington Regt (map ref: I8d1.5) |
16-07-18 |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
2 O.R killed , 3 wounded |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
19-07-18 |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
Strength; 38 off, 824 O.R. One coy of 3 Batn 118 American Infantry Regt attached to companies in the line and distributed 1 platoon to each company. |
20-07-18 |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
One American platoon under own command attached to each company |
21-07-18 |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
One American coy under own command attached to Batn. B Coy relieved by Americans went to BROWN LINE |
22-07-18 |
In the Field (map ref: I8d1.5) |
Battalion relieved by Americans went to GREEN LINE |
23-07-18 |
24-07-18 |
10 O.R. killed by aeroplane bomb. Batn retuned from GREEN LINE to relieve Americans |
25-07-18 |
26-07-18 |
Strength: 36 off 806 O.R.; 2 O.R. wounded |
27-07-18 to 28-07-18 |
29-07-18 |
1 O.R. wounded |
30-07-18 |
4 O.R. wounded |
31-07-18 |
Relieved at VERMOUTH VILLA & GREEN LINE by 1/6th West
AUG 1918 |
01-08-1918 |
BRAKE CAMP A30c9.1 , Sheet 28 |
Interior Economy. Enemy aeroplane brought down by AA Lewis Gunners. |
02-08-1918 |
Training. 1 OR draft arrived. Strength 38 officers. 813 other ranks. |
03-08-1918 |
Training. Lieut J.S. HOULTON & 15 Other Ranks proceeded to HOUTRERQUE to attend commemoration service on anniversary of the War. |
04-08-1918 |
Training. |
05-08-1918 |
Working Parties. Each Company was given a definite task to do on the GREEN LINE Defences. |
06-08-1918 |
Working Parties on GREEN LINE Defences continue. A Coy’s Task finished on this day . 2 Lieut G. TEECE M.M. proceeded to HOUTKERQUE [sic] to attend Commemoration Service. |
07-08-1918 |
B, C, & D Coys completed their TASKS on GREEN LINE defences. 2 Lieut G. TEECE M.M. attached to T.M.B. |
08-08-1918 |
Captain W. RYAN, 2 Lt E.G. COUSENS, I Sgt & 24 Other Ranks per company formed Guard of Honour for King & Queen of Belgians at HAGLE SIDING#S. Relieved 1/6 Duke of
Dispositions -
09-08-1918 to 16-08-1918 |
BROWN LINE H11b80.30, Sheet 28 |
Working Parties on Brigade HQ M. & Farm. Revetting & repairing Trenches & Posts. Strength on 9th. 39 Officers & 901 Other Ranks. 1 O.R. wounded at Duty. |
16-08-1918 |
Strength 39 Officers & 939 Other Ranks. Relieved ¼ K.O.Y.L.I. in the right sub-sector. Relief complete about 12.30am, 17th Dispositions- A Coy Right. B Coy Centre, B Coy Left, D Coy Support. Battn HQ in RAMPARTS
17-08-1918 to 19-08-1918 |
I8d1.5, Sheet 28 |
All quiet in front line. Enemy aircraft flying low. 1 O.R. wounded Relieved in Right sub-sector by 20th Middlesex Regt, 14 Division and proceeded to CAMP arriving about 2.30am , 20th inst. |
20-08-1918 |
BRAKE CAMP A30a9.1, Sheet 28 |
Interior economy. |
21-08-1918 |
Relieved by 1/4th Cheshire Regt , 34th Division & proceeded to PROVEN by route march, arriving about 5.25pm. Order of march - HQ , A.B,C, D Coys. |
22-08-1918 |
Proceeded from PROVEN to HERZEELE by route march arriving 10.40am. Relieved 1/6 Kent Regt. Relief complete by 12 noon. Order of march HQ, B,C,D, A Coys. |
23-08-1918 |
Interior economy. Strength 40 officers, 927 Other Ranks. |
24-08-1918 & 25-08-1918 |
Training. Lt. Col. D.S. BRANSON D.S.O. M.C. returned to Battalion after being in temporary command of 148 Inf Bde. |
26-08-01918 |
Transport for baggage wagon & Horse cart forwarded by rail to (?) |
27-08-1918 |
Battalion marched to (?) |
28-08-1918 |
Entrained at (?) 2-30am & forwarded by rail to (?). Then to (?) & (?) arriving about 4-30pm |
29-08-1918 |
Interior economy. 2 Lt G. TEECE M.M. & 13 Other Ranks (2 ?) returned from 148 TMC & are attached to the Battalion in one of (?) operations |
30-08-1918 |
Training. The HQ, officers commanding companies & platoon commanders ,(?), 2 Lt Teece, RSM Collingwood, CSM Dedman ? & 2 Lts from each company [ rest not clear - attended something in Fleury near Lens] Strength - 39 officers, 925 Other Ranks. |
1/4th Batn York and
Regt no. 31544
49th Division,148 Brigade, XXII Corps, First Army
The Final Advance in
SEP 1918 |
01-09-18 |
Training |
02-09-18 |
Training |
03-09-18 |
Training |
04-09-18 |
Training |
05-09-18 |
06-09-18 |
Training. Strength 40off, 932 O.R. |
07-09-18 to 11-09-18 |
Training . 7 O.R. joined |
12-09-18 |
13-09-18 |
Relieved Black Watch. Strength 40off, 932 O.R. |
14-09-18 |
In the Field [near ROCLINCOURT] |
3 O.R. wounded |
15-09-18 |
In the Field [near ROCLINCOURT] |
3 O.R. wounded, 10 O.R. missing. 2 O.R. reinforcements |
16-09-18 |
In the Field [near ROCLINCOURT] |
20 O.R. gassed & 7 wounded. Gas projector operations carried out at (Biaches ?) |
17-09-18 |
In the Field [near ROCLINCOURT] |
1 O.R. missing , 1 wounded |
18-09-18 |
In the Field [near ROCLINCOURT] |
Relieved in the line by 1/5th York and Lancaster. 1 O.R. killed, 1 wounded |
19-09-18 |
20-09-18 |
Strength 40 Off, 903 O.R.. 1 O.R. wounded |
21-09-18 |
Minor operations |
22-09-18 |
23-09-18 |
In the Field [near ROCLINCOURT] |
Heavy barrage from enemy at 11pm. 1 O.R. killed [Thomas admitted to hospital – dysentery at St Pol(Burnt Records)] |
24-09-18 |
In the Field [near ROCLINCOURT] |
Relieved in line by 7th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 51st Division By bus to Y CAMP near ETRUN [NW
25-09-18 to 30-09-18 |
Training |
OCT 1918 |
01-10-18 |
Training, especially practice with No. 36 grenades and use of smoke and rockets. |
02-10-18 |
Range at LA MAROEUIL. Lewis guns fired in afternoon under Lt. Capper. Inter-platoon football |
03-10-18 |
Strength; 41 off, 87 O.R. |
04-10-18 |
CARENCY - MT. ST ELOI training area [N of ETRUN] |
05-10-18 |
German bombing plane brought down in flames in neighbourhood |
06-10-18 to 06-10-18 |
Training |
07-10-18 |
[Thomas at St Pol] |
[ Thomas admitted to hospital at Le ? , mild dysentery (Burnt Records)] |
08-10-18 |
09-10-18 |
Marched along
Division still remained as army reserve, relief of Canadians was postponed. Follow up Canadian Division [Canadian 3rd and 4th were active in this area] . The 49th Division being lent temporarily to the Canadians. Left MARQUION for CAMBRAI. Billeted at (?) ST ROCH, N of CAMBRAI Blankets after being distributed were collected and packed three times within 3 hours in accordance with Brigade orders & 2 counter-orders. Finally the G.S. wagon had to take them back to RAILLENCOURT [E of CAMBRAI] |
10-10-18 |
Germans had withdrawn 36h previously from CAMBRAI. Civilians had been removed and houses ransacked by the “Bosche”. Centre of town had been blown up and houses booby trapped. |
11-10-18 |
Advanced from ST ROCH at 12.10 along CAMBRAI –
12-10-18 |
W of NAVES |
At 11.20am orders to advance. Dinners hurried. Advanced through NAVES to high ground [a part of the Diary for the 12th was not transcribed at the PRO. From a photograph it continues as follows]
Coys were spaced on hillside in artillery formation of platoon where they rested for the night during which it rained heavily. Preliminary order for Bde attack on enemy holding line O22a to 29a. C.O. took Coy cmdrs forward to reconnoitre the ground fao an advance. Whilst riding down the valley they were suddenly fired on by the enemy M.G. at 1000yds range from the direction of AVESNES LE SEC which had been captured by 146th Infantry Bde. C.O. returned from conference at Bde HQ about midnight and issued his operational orders to coy cmdrs as follows. 1) Enemy Information: May be opposition on ridge N of LA SELLE river. He is holding high ground E of LA SELLE. Ground as far as the river should be cleared by 146th Bde. 2) Flanks: to immediate right1/5th York and
3) Intention : To cross LA SELLE river and occupy high ground East of the [blank] (Sheet 51A SW -1:50000) 4) Boundaries: [not clear] 5) [not clear] 6) Artillery: Damage on railway and road E of LA SELLE till zero + 30, then heavy (?) and(?) fire on various points e.g. sunken road. 1 forward section (?) 7) Disposition of Coys: B Coy from Northern Division boundary to map ref: P2d0.5 (incl) C Coy start in line with B but turn off when across the river to mop up the
D Coy to follow C but to leave village at right, objectives being from chapel at map ref: P2d0.5 to P8 central. C Coy final objective P8 central to P8d60.30 A Coy in support with Batn HQ. Batn HQ will advance along right boundary of batn front. Leading coy move off at 0605h. Zero 0900h 8) SAA etc. Fighting order as laid down . Greatcoats on backs, haversack at left side. Each coy takes 7 Lewis guns – take off 8 boxes to (?)(?). 2 boxes SAA + 2 boxes grenades |
13-10-18 |
About 0500h all details of the attack were explained to platoon cmdrs and the Coys. Men had had little sleep owing to the cold and wet . Good breakfasts were ready at 0545h. Coys were ready to move off at 0645h. Batn advanced in artillery formation with scouts ahead. Lewis Gun [teams] went with Coys as far as AVESNES LE SEC railway, (?) the station of which SAA (?) was formed under R.S.M. About 0845h B & C Coys crossed the crest of the high ground about (map ref)D23a1.3 , then they immediately came under heavy machine gun fire. An artillery barrage did not begin until 0900h and then came down on road E of LA SELLE, then leaving a distance of about a mile between front line and barrage. This (?) was full of machine guns, esp. on flanks. 51st Division was not able to advance and occupy the high ground so that we were badly (?) by M.G. fire from the left flank. According to orders we should not have encountered any opposition on west side of LA SELLE [river], the 146th Brigade having been told to clear ground as far as the river. B & C Coys advanced within a short distance of the river but suffered so heavily they could not hold the ground. D Coy following C met the same fate. A Coy was sent up to reinforce front line but were unable to advance to the river on account of such strong (?) fire. The Bosch launched a counter-attack against B & C Coy but was successfully driven off. About 1430h the remnants of each coy dug in holding the crest of the hill. Casualties estimated: A 40 O.R., B 85 O.R., C 100 O.R., D 100 O.R. All coy and platoon cmdrs were hit within an hour of zero. Batn was relieved by 2 coys 1/4 th KOYLI about 2100h and went into support at 32A4.5. [ see the report of the Batn Commander for another account] |
14-10-18 to 31-10-18 |
At CAMP [ to get records] |
NOV 1918 |
01-11-18 |
The Battalion left HAULCHIN at 1200h and proceeded by march route to NAING via TRIANT, where the Battalion had tea in sunken road (map re: J24d, sheet 51a NE). At 1445h the Battalion moved to assembly positions west of FAMARS. At 1630h instructions were received to proceed with the relief of the 147th Brigade in accordance with orders already given. On reaching FAMARS a verbal message was received from Brigade HQ instructing the Battalion to “standfast”. The Batn then assembled in the aerodrome situated in FAMARS at approximately J14b. At 2330h orders were received to relieve the 1/5th
A line of posts were taken up from E22d80.80 to E23c99.20. A Coy on north side of sunken road, D Coy on south side, each Coy with 2 platoons in front line and 1 platoon in support line 200yds behind the front line. C Coy in reserve about E26d10.20. Batn HQ at K4a85.48. The night was spent improving posts. |
02-11-18 |
Instructions were received at 0230h canceling attack previously ordered for 0530h. Patrols were sent out at 0500h and found railway occupied by enemy machine guns. Patrols again went out at 1000h and brought in 20 prisoners from house at E23c40.40 without meeting any resistance. These prisoners reported BARLEY clear and enemy retiring in a north-easterly direction, also stating that they had been previously sending machine guns along Railway (?)
In accordance with instructions received from Bde HQ A and D Coys were ordered to advance at 1300h and establish a line of posts north east of steelworks at least260 yds in front of the RED LINE.
The enemy opened out a heavy barrage of H.E. on these Coys as they (?) to move forward. They also encountered fairly heavy machine gun fire from the
CONSOLIDATION - A line of posts was established from E17c2.4 - E23(?)10.80 – N23h30.00, the left coy of 1/4th KOYLI being (?) yds on our right on Railway bank. On our left the Canadians right-hand post was at E17c40.95. Two small posts were thrown out, 1 at E17c15.15 and the other to keeping touch with the front line, 1 in support at E23c90.60 and at E23b30.60 respectively. Positions were subjected to intermittent shelling during the day and rather more during the night especially along railway embankment and sunken road at E23a&c. |
03-11-18 |
In accordance with instructions received from Brigade HQ the leading companies were informed that the Canadians would probably advance at dawn in an easterly direction. A Coy on the left was ordered to keep in close touch with them and move forward when they advanced conforming with their line. D Coy was instructed to conform with A Coy and keep the left company commander of the 1/4th KOYLI informed as to any change in this situation. Information was received from Canadians at 0330h that a counter –attack was expected and that they had orders to “stand-to”. Later information was received that the Canadians had moved forward and orders were given to send out patrols to confirm this and to conform with their movements. The 1/4th KOYLI were advised of this. This information to be reported as correct the Battalion advanced at 1100h approximately meeting no resistance. At 1130h our front line ran from cross-roads F19a6 (exclusive) to cross-roads E24d central (exclusive), and we were in touch with the Canadians on our left (th54th Batn ,11th Bde) and the 1/4th KOYLI on the right where the Batn stayed until night when it was withdrawn to billets at HAULCHIN.
There was intermittent shelling on new positions while the above operations were being carried out by front line companies, C Coy who had been in support at E28d10.20, moved forward to position vacated by D Coy in E29b.
OBSERVATIONS: The following observations on the recent operations were made by the officers commanding the leading companies of this Batn.
In the attack on the steel works on November 2nd the barrage was very weak and the speed too slow considering the good state of the ground over which the troops made advance.
The formation adopted was found to be satisfactory in every way. Although the men had to commence the advance under very heavy H.E. barrage, the formation was maintained very well, and the platoon commanders found no difficulty in controlling and maneuvering their sections.
It is felt however that platoon commanders require more practice in controlling sections especially in turning movements, as there is still too much tendency for sections to bunch under these conditions.
Cmding 1/4th York and
04-11-18 to 05-11-18 |
[missing from my records] |
06-11-18 |
[Thomas joined 7 I.B Depot at Etaples (Burt Records)] |
08-11-18 |
Strength: 27 off, 500 O.R. |
09-11-18 to 12-11-18 |
Resting and training [11th Thomas awarded 5 days F.P. No.2 (Burnt Records)] |
13-11-18 |
[Thomas rejoined Battalion – (Burnt Records)] |
14-11-18 |
Draft of 114 O.R. arrived |
15-11-18 |
Strength 27 off. 615 O.R. Coys organised in 3 platoons. |
16-11-18 to 21-11-18 |
Training [Thomas left
22-11-18 |
Strength: 37 off/ 642 O.R.. 70 men on leave |
29-12-18 |
Strength: 39 off, 774 O.R. 90 men on leave |
DEC 1918 |
04-12-18 |
[Thomas returned to
MAR 1919 |
03-03-19 |
[Thomas leaves
Date |
03-11-1916 to 06-11-1916 |
Front line trenches. Operational Order 32, 2nd Nov. A Coy raid on enemy trenches on 6/7th Nov., Operational Orders 32 |
18-11-1916 to 22-11-1916 |
Front line trenches, Operational Order 36, 17th Nov. |
08-10-1917 to 10-10-1917 |
Attached to II ANZAC Corps. Marsh Bottom. Operational Order . 5 officers and 90 O.R. killed or missing. 5 officers and 199 O.R. wounded. [casualties = 30% of battalion strength]. Relieved by New Zealanders. |
19-10-1917 to 22-10-1917 |
Attached to II ANZAC Corps. Consolidating positions. Buried large no. of 66th Division and Australians. Relieved by 5th Canadian Inf. |
27-11-1917 to 30-11-1917 |
Map ref: J3a, Sheet 28 GARTER POINT, near
Right Support battalion. HQ at Garter Point. |
2-12-1917 to 5-12-1917 |
Front line near Jabber track. |
Holding front line trenches. Botched patrol on 04-12-16 lost a Lewis Gun. |
11-12-1917 to 17-12-1917 |
ZONNEBEKE, Broodseinde Ridge.Map ref: D29b25.00 |
Enemy patrolwas encountered . Some aerial activity |
18-12-1917 |
Wiring of Broodseinde Ridge behind front line. Map ref: D29a |
04-01-1918 to 10-01-1918 |
N. of BROODSEINDE Map ref: D16d75.50 |
Front line posts. Relieved by 2/5th
02-03-1918 to 10-03-1918 |
N.E. BECLAERE Judge Sub-sector Map ref: J11b90.05 –J6c25.35 |
Relieved 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regt. Held front line between map references left with two coys, one in support and one in reserve.. HQ at J4c20.40. Quiet, few casualties Relieved by 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regt., 147 Bde, |
18-03-1918 to 26-03-1918 |
Judge Sub-sector |
Relieved 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s, Frequently shelled with gas. Raid on German post at J12a40.35. [see Operational Orders]. Relieved by 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regt. |
28-03-1918 to 01-04-1918 |
Relieved 4th Middlesex Regt.. Quiet, little activity. Relieved by 1/7th
06-04-1918 to 08-04-1918 |
Relieved 1/7th West Yorks Regt. Quiet , little activity. Relievied by 5th York &
11-04-1918 to 15-04-1918 |
The Tactical Incident: “The Defence of Neuve Eglise” |
16-04-1918 to 20-04-1918 |
KEMMEL , 1st
Map ref: M34a |
Rapid movements and defensive action around Kemmel, eventually holding at
26-04-1918 to 30-04-1918 |
KEMMEL , 2nd
Holding of Cheapside Ridge. Relieved by 9th Royal
02-05-1918 to 04-05-1918 |
Blue Line. Map ref: N10d-N15d |
Relieved by the 143rd French Inf Batn. |
02-06-1918 to 11-06-1918 |
Relieved by 1/7th
20-06-1918 to 29-06-1918 |
Map ref I15- I16-I21 area |
See WD for precise troop dispositions. Operation at HILL 40,
01-07-1918 to 06-07-1918 |
Working on rear defences, presumably near Hill 40. Relieved by 1/7th
15-07-1918 to 22-07-1918 |
VERMOUTH VILLA Map ref: I8d1.5 |
Relieved 1/4th Duke of
Relieved by Americans, went to GREEN LINE. 10 O.R. killed by aeroplane bomb while in GREEN LINE |
25-07-1918 to 31-07-1918 |
Relieved Americans. Relieved by 1/6th
17-08-1918 to 19-08-1918 |
Map ref: Id14.5, Sheet 28 |
Relieved 1/4th K.O.Y.L.I. |
13-09-1918 to 18-09-1918 |
Relieved Black Watch. Gas attacks. Relieved by 1/5th York &